• Degraisolv Foodstuffs is a new generation solvent without any chlorine or fluoride based solvent. Its formula enables a fast dry, and replaces trichloroethylene and all halogen solvents. Its impact on the
environment has nothing to do with these solvents.
• Degraisolv Foodstuffs has been developed in an environmentally-friendly charter. Can be used for cold grease-cleaning and disinfection of hands and equipment likely to be in contact with food.
• Degraisolv Foodstuffs enables to dissolve quickly greases, mineral and vegetal oils and dirts, without leaving any residue or mark after evaporation.
• Degraisolv Foodstuffs is neutral and does not affect metal.
• Degraisolv Foodstuffs is used for quick cleaning and degrea-sing of surfaces in aluminium, steel, copper, certain plastics, that can be in contact with foodstuffs.
Food industries, restaurants, brasseries, slaughterhouses, dairies, cafes, canteens, hospitals, maintenance services, cleaning services, technical services, transport, schools, day-nurseries, secondary schools.
INSTRUCTIONS : Degraisolv Foodstuffs is used pure and in cold application. Spray on the surface to be treated, leave it work and wipe with a cloth or a brush.
Degraisolv Foodstuffs is also used by soaking to clean and degrease. On sensitive plastics (clear), carry out a preliminary compatibility test.
Product for professional use. Consult MSDS (upon request only).
- Case 12 x 500ml (refillable aerosprays)
- Case 12x600ml (aerosols)
- Case 4x5L
- Drums 30L - 60L - 210L
The details contained in our instructions, letters and reports are for information purposes only, based on our research trials ad are true to the best of our knowledge. We do not claim any liability fot their contents.