Remanent and repellent insecticide. Aqueous, clear, concentrated solution based on 100% pure, hydrosolubilized essential oils. Composition exclusively of plant origin. Nature's essential oils provide genuine protection against parasites. Selected for their intrinsic and insecticidal qualities, they are produced by certain plants to protect themselves against phytophagous insects. Use of this product is recommended against most insects, but it is particularly useful in combating infestations of “domestic” pests such as bedbugs, cockroaches, mites, fleas and lice. It is also highly effective against flies, mosquitoes, midges, wasps, red spiders, white flies, pseudococcids and moths, the mosquitoes that cause dengue fever, chikungunya and other arboviroses. This product is highly effective on livestock farms against white and red lice, as well as tapeworms.
Air and surface sanitizing effect thanks to its anti-parasitic properties. The presence of “geraniol” in the formulation destroys larvae by attacking the chitin that serves as their exoskeleton. Destruction is immediate.
Totally biodegradable product of vegetable origin, ecological pH at 20°C. Harmless for man, animals (known as "warm-blooded") and plants. Safe for skin and the mucous membrane according to OECD guideline n°404. Harmless in case of ingestion according to OECD guideline n°401. Do not swallow.
• Bedbugs: 10%.
• Palm weevils and red palm weevils: 30%.
For weevil treatment, INSECTIBIO must be sprayed ONLY where the weevils are located (both on the leaves and on the trunk for palm trees. DO NOT inject the product inside the trunk).
• Wasps: 30%.
• Processionary caterpillars: 10-20% on the area/way where the caterpillars are passing, in dry weather.
• Flies and mosquitoes: 10%.
• Prepare a solution diluted at 10% in hard water (100ml for 1 litre of water).
• Spray directly on the infested surfaces to be treated. (For battery farming, plan to use our ECOFOGGER equipment).
Spray directly onto insects to be eradicated or surfaces to be treated (ceilings and walls):
An ECOFOGGER can treat 2000 m3. Equipment can be programmed for repetitive fogging. Harmless for man and animals. Spraying or misting can be achieved in the presence of animals.
• Close up the room to be treated (doors and windows).
• Prepare a solution diluted at 10% in hard water (100 ml for 1 litre).
• For hornets, dilute the product by 4 times its volume with hard water (250 ml for 1 litre).Spray directly on the surfaces to be treated (ceiling and wall).
• To treat larvae, acarids, 5ml in 1 Litre of water, spray on the surfaces to be treated.
• Let the product act between 5 to 15 minutes. (Our ECOFOGGER equipment suits this application perfectly).
• Ponds, ricefields with little vegetation: 1 litre per hectare (in 30 to 50 litres of water).
• Moderate pollution, presence of organic matters, pits: 1.5 litres per hectare (in 30 to 50 litres of water).
• Polluted waters with a strong level in organic matters, lushing vegetation: 2 litres per hectare (in 30 to 50 litres of water).
• Apply 20 ml for 1O m2 for larva nests.
Use biocides with precautions. Before use, read the label and information concerning the product. Biocides are considered as hazardous. Respect the precautions of use and safety instructions. Product for professional use. Consult MSDS (upon request only).
Case 4 x 5L
Drums 30-60-210L
The information present in our notices, letters and reports are here to advise you, reporting in particular on tests carried out with a constant concern of objectivity but without any commitment on our part.