TOOCLEAN is a rinsing-and-water free multi-purpose cleaning wipe for a one-time or recurrent maintenance of your car, motorcycle, scooter, go-karting, quad ...
TOOCLEAN formulation which is contained in a single wipe can take care, clean and give back the bright new brilliance of the bodywork, wheels, paint, plastic interiors, exteriors, fairings, front fairings , windows, windshields, headlights, chrome, the leatherette upholstery and leather of a vehicle in a single operation.
- Cleans, polishes, protects, stops the impact of time on all surfaces without the risk of scratching or damaging the paint and alter the plastic.
- Cleans and polishes of surfaces without water, foam or rinsing.
- Removes impacts and insect traces on the bodywork, fairing, front fairings, windscreens, headlights and plastics.
- Scrubs, removes the tar, cleans, rims without altering light alloys, varnishes, plastics and paints.
- Protects the bodywork by leaving an invisible anti-fouling film.
- Without any liquid polluting emissions (the dirt is trapped in the wipe).
- Anti-rain and anti-fouling deposits.
- Anti-tar, anti-bitumen deposits .
- TOOCLEAN delays fouling.
Take a wipe out of the box. Double it up and lay it flat on the hand. Move it onto the surface without pressing. When the
surface becomes «slippery» you can slightly increase the pressure. Always proceed by small surfaces, without rubbing,
describing circle movements. TOOCLEAN traps the particles, while cleaning and applying a film on the surface. Polish with
the microfiber cloth provided, making a quick circular motion when wiping without pressing too much.
Start your cleaning with the least dirty surfaces and finish with heavily soiled areas.
Prodcut for professional use. Consult the MSDS (Only upon request).
■ 80 wipes per bucket
■ 6 buckets per box
The details contained in our instructions, letters and reports are for information purposes only, based on our research trials ad are true to the best of our knowledge. We do not claim any liability fot their contents.