A biodegradable aqueous phase solution that destroys many odours. Eliminates fermentation and mildew. lnstantly destroys odours of wet dog, vomit, putrefaction, feces, sewage, pipes, and in general, most odours of organic or animal origin, as well as diesel oil and kitchen odours. lts power kills most germs responsible for bad smells.
This product can be used in car interiors, truck cabs, in homes (toilets, kitchens), in garages, basements, stairwells, rubbish chutes, rubbish bins. This product is for professional use.
Spray ideally on dry surfaces. For strong remaining odours, particularly where porous surfaces are heavily infiltrated, it may be necessary to repeat the operation a number of times. After spraying the product, leave it to work. After drying, the odour disappears.
• Hard surfaces (floors, concrete, cement, tiling, wooden surfaces): eliminate a rnaximum of substances causing bad odours before treatment.
• Smooth surfaces (laminated floors, plastic, and rubber): spray, leave on, then wipe with a clean cloth.
• To treat textile,mats, carpets and covers: spray and leave on; you can accelerate drying with a hot air blower.
• Non-flammable formulation without safety labelling.
• Observe the precautions for use and safety instructions.
• Product for professional use. Consult MSDS (upon request only).
- Case 12 x 500ml (sprays)
- Case of 4 x 5L
- Drums of 30-60-210L
The details contained in our instructions, letters and reports are for information purposes only, based on our research trials ad are true to the best of our knowledge. We do not claim any liability fot their contents.